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 FitLine Isoflavon - your hormonal health!

Why is it that in Asian countries like Japan, China, and Malaysia, women have almost no problems during menopause and fewer cases of osteoporosis and breast cancer?
Why are men in these countries less likely to get prostate cancer? Why are there fewer cardiovascular diseases?

The answer is that Asians eat significantly more soy than we do.
It's common for women after the age of 35 to begin to have weakened
ovarian function, which leads to leading to lower hormone levels. This causes complex changes in the internal secretion system and aging organs:

1. Aging skin: roughness of the skin, dryness, and itching;
Flabbiness, wrinkles, age spots, Darkening of skin tone.
2. Nervousness: restlessness, mood swings, distracted attention, depression, loss of control over mood, and poor sleep.
3. Poor circulation: fever or chills, profuse sweating.
4. Menstrual cycle disorder: excessively profuse or scanty discharge, Irregular cycle.
5. Atrophic changes: thinning of the mucous membrane of the genitals,
Reduced secretion of genital glands, pain during intercourse, itching vulva, complicated by infection of the urinary tract.
6. Manifestation of symptoms of osteoporosis and/or diseases of the cardiovascular system. And this is where the phytoestrogens of soy - isoflavones genistein and daidzein - come to the rescue.

Numerous clinical and laboratory studies have shown a range of anti-aging effects of isoflavones: 
- have a mild estrogen-like effect without increasing the risk of breast or ovarian cancer as with hormone replacement therapy; 
- stimulate the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin, increasing its turgor and elasticity; 
- Cardioprotective effect - protecting the cardiovascular system, stabilizing blood pressure; 
- Have anti-atherosclerotic effects, and prevent the formation of blood clots.

There is reliable evidence that with a sufficient amount of phytoestrogens in the blood, one can significantly reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. The level of elevated cholesterol in the blood decreases, and the "right cholesterol" is restored due to the antioxidant effects of phytoestrogens.

Experimental findings prove that phytoestrogens must be present in the human diet to prevent the occurrence of hormone hormone-dependent diseases.

- FitLine Isoflavon contains valuable isoflavones in their natural ratio and natural compounds with other healthy components of soybeans.
- FitLine Isoflavon is guaranteed to contain no genetically modified soy components.
- The fat-soluble isoflavones are micellated for faster and more effective absorption (patented technology).
- FitLine Isoflavon is currently the first and only product with micellated isoflavones.
- Both the ingredients and the product itself are produced in compliance with the highest quality control required by GMP regulations.
- FitLine Isoflavon was developed exclusively for PM-International by an international team of experts from the PM-International scientific council.
- Ideal in combination with FitLine Beauty.

The transport of nutrients (NTC) into the body guarantees their highly effective, rapid, and safe absorption.

On the page under "Concept NTC," you can read about the main advantages of this unique product thanks to the "NTC" concept.

In the world of dietary supplements progress does not stand still and the company      PM-International​  I represent today - a recognized leader, the company has received more than 500 certificates, patents, and awards and the status of the most innovative company in technology in dietary supplements for the next 15 years - plus, has patents for all the latest developments in the delivery of substances into the cells.

The best premium supplemental nutrition products on the global market!

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